Where do our feelings come from? Are we consciously choosing them or are they “automatic?” Are they a response to what we’re seeing or do they come from what we’re believing? I know, I’m getting ya thinking eh?

Did you know that our thoughts and feelings are coming from our programming, conditioned/automatic responses to certain situations? How do you know to get mad, feel sad or be glad? Some might say it’s our inner guidance guiding us today. This may be and there’s so much more going on subconsciously.

Getting mad or angry often comes from a past experience where we were hurt by somebody or our “rules” or boundaries have been violated in some way.

When we’re experiencing these feelings we say “Hey” I don’t like what you did “to me” and we blame another body. That might be true, you may not like what they did “to you” and leave if it’s hurtful or abuse, but nobody can make us feel a certain way, it’s up to us how we feel eh?

This is what mindfulness is about, it’s noticing our automatic thinking and responses, but it’s not just noticing them, it’s allowing these responses to show us what’s going on subconsciously and if it’s “negative” it’s showing us something that’s asking for LOVE and healing, it’s showing us what energy wants to be released from our body.

Denying or suppressing how we’re feeling, just keeps it trapped inside. All energy needs to flow, whether it be anger, sadness or joy or happiness.

We don’t attract by what we say, we attract by what’s going in our subconscious memory bank. Whenever we experience an intense feeling from an experience that happened either recently or long ago, that feeling/experience gets stored inside and this is what’s creating our lives.

Awareness is the first step, but it’s not the only step. Many people don’t want to go into the “uncomfortable” but the more we resist, the more the uncomfortable experiences will pop it’s head in our lives.

Instead, the children bore the emotional scars of cialis sale secretworldchronicle.com a dysfunctional system.
We don’t change by just thinking a better thought, that might makes us feel good in the moment, but that’s like putting a band aid on something that needs “surgery.” In order to make lasting change, we to heal on the inner plane, bring LOVE to the parts that are hurting and shift our energy in a way, so our new responses can be more conscious today.

Trying to force yourself to do something is a ridiculous task, the subconscious is more powerful then your conscious mind. The key in allowing things to flow more easily is doing the inner work and getting your subconscious in alignment with what you want to have and experience today.

If we want to attract and enjoy an authentic, deep soul relationship and a successful, happy and fulfilling life, we need to heal any old hurts that we’re carrying and re-write the patterns within our subconscious mind that are keeping us from having what we truly want.

Our vibration sets the template for our life, time doesn’t heal, nor does denying or pushing aside past hurts and wounds. If you want to truly BE free; we need to heal the inner debris by bringing LOVE to the parts that are hurting and shift our subconscious beliefs so our energy can flow more freely.

Healing is a process, it’s NOT a quick fix, we didn’t create our lives over night and changing for many takes time. Once we learn how to BE okay with our feelings in a loving and accepting way is when we’re feel more relaxed to see what’s really going on internally.

Sometimes we don’t know how to do this ourselves, so it can help to see a healer like me or someone who can take you through the process in a supportive and loving way. This is how we set ourSELVES free to experience even more peace, LOVE, joy, freedom and harmony.

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