We “try hard” to be a “perfect human” have the perfect body, looks and expression so we can be accepted by others and fit into what society says is “normal”
We “try hard” to have the “perfect relationship” so we can feel the LOVE we never got from our parents or caretakers.
We “try […]
Have you ever felt guilty for something? Perhaps you felt bad about saying something that you really wanted to say and then the person you said that to got mad at you.
One of my life lessons is around guilt. Ya see, I grew up in a family where it wasn’t okay to say […]
Have you ever heard the expression “Ya gotta want it bad enough?” This isn’t about “forcing” it’s about having the knowing deep in your heart that “This is for me.”
No matter how long it takes, no matter how many obstacles occur along the way, no matter how many rejections or how many people judge […]
Anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating and compulsive exercise, are these friends or enemies? Some might say an enemy, but if that we’re true, why would we hold on so tight?
At age 14 I was diagnosed with anorexia and bulimarexia and at age 15 I entered my first treatment center weighing 80 pounds. For the […]
Have you ever wondered why some people are able to follow their dreams and create an amazing life while others struggle?
Hold on my LOVES, so often we judge by appearances, we think “If only I had that, then I would BE happy.” We see the glitz and glamour, but what we don’t see is […]
Have you ever said that you’ll do something and then you didn’t follow through? For instance you might have said “Tomorrow I’ll start my diet, exercise more, stop smoking, stop drinking, stop over-eating, call that person I want to connect with etc. Why didn’t you follow through? What came up for you? Was it […]
What’s the best that can happen? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Most often when we start something new and we’re stepping into the unknown our mind automatically searches for things that happened in the past that might have been similar and either it worked out or it didn’t. If it didn’t, then […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?