Why is the idea of feeling pain so hard for many people? I think it’s harder and takes more energy to protect ourselves then to allow ourselves to feel it. Many of us use drugs, drink alcohol, get into relationships so we don’t have to feel alone, smoke, over eat try to accumulate stuff […]
What would it BE like for you to follow through with what you say you’re gonna do? How often do ya promise yourself that you’re going to take better care of you and your health? Or, you say that you’re going to start doing…… or stop doing…… tomorrow and when ya get to tomorrow […]
Have you ever got really EXCITED about an idea, an inspiration, a dream/vision, having a new relationship, taking a new class or program or something you wanted to create and then you talked yourself out of it? Your mind started making up stories based on fears, past experiences, thinking what you’ll lose instead of what […]
Have you ever said that you’ll do something and then you didn’t follow through? For instance you might have said “Tomorrow I’ll start my diet, exercise more, stop smoking, stop drinking, stop over-eating, call that person I want to connect with etc. Why didn’t you follow through? What came up for you? Was it […]
Do you like to make your own choices? I know, kinda a ridiculous question eh? However, I invite you to honestly answer this question. Think about it, how often do you go outside of yourself to get assistance in making decisions? Perhaps you believe that you’re capable of making your own decisions and if […]
Have you ever asked yourself “Why do I think and believe the way I do? Where did I learn these ideas?” Over the past few years I’ve been questioning EVERYTHING I’ve learned on this earthly plane and most of it is kinda funny to me. It’s all mind control, or perhaps I should just […]
Do you have a hard time asking for help or things that you want? I sure did because of the energy that was running my consciousness. When I was a child, whenever I asked for something I was told that I asked for too much and it seemed to make my parents mad at […]
Have you ever gone to a seminar, read a book, signed up for a coaching program etc. to “succeed” in the ways that these people are teaching? You’ve followed their guidance but your life isn’t how you thought it would be by doing so, or maybe it is. However, to keep to the intention […]
Have you ever been guided to do something, you felt pulled in a certain direction and you didn’t know why? You didn’t understand it with your conscious thinking mind but the pull was so strong. This is actually the more natural way to live. So many of us try to control and plan how […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?