Go ahead, prove em wrong, ya know, those people who told you you can’t…….
No one outside of you knows, what you came here to experience in this earthly show.
The challenge that most of us have is that we’ve been conditioned to believe who we are and what we can or can’t […]
How did we move so far away from our deepest truth? Trying to get others to LOVE and approve of me and you. We were taught this way of being, when we were young and naive. We were told which behaviors, thoughts and feelings were okay and which ones were not acceptable to be expressed […]
Why does it feel “risky” to approach somebody you like? Ya know, ya get those butterflies inside and ya want to talk to them but at the same time you want to hide.
Maybe this is true or not true for you. The idea that you could be rejected comes into play, but once you […]
Us human beings are NOT complex things. There’s patterns we automatically do every day until we change our neuropathways. We have conscious beliefs and we have unconscious beliefs that are revealed to us in our reality.
It’s those unconscious beliefs we want to make conscious, those are the ones throwing the fuss. They often stem […]
Life can get confusing if we’re listening to what others are saying and copying their ways of BEing. There’s so many different points of views on “How to live in earth school.” This is why listening inside is so important for us do, all our answers reside in me and you.
How do we get […]
Have you ever wondered why one minute you’re happy and the next minute you’re sad and one minute you feel invincible and the next minute you say “I can’t?”
What’s going on? How do our emotions go up and down in a nano second? Can you predict your next thought or feeling without controlling it? […]
With all the self help books, programs and workshops why isn’t everyone able to create the life they desire? Why is it challenging for one person to “manifest” money or the things they want and for someone else it’s easy peasy?
Is it luck or/and part of their journey? Perhaps, however, there’s so much more […]
Do you struggle with loving yourself? If so, would you like to stop struggling and start loving?
For over 23 years I was in and of numerous hospitals and treatment centers struggling with severe anorexia and other eating disorders, depression, anxiety, self harm, being suicidal, hating myself, and hating life. Nothing changed until I […]
Repressed energy will eventually show up in our bodies. If we’re feeling any anger, resentment, unforgiveness, hurt or pain and we don’t deal with it today, down the road, we’ll start to see the effect in our bodies and resistance in our reality.
Our struggles and body syndromes like pain, illness, depression and even addictions […]
Are you ready to move beyond the reward/punishment game? From our earliest years we’re taught “If you’re good you’ll get the reward, if you’re bad, you’ll be punished.” Follow my rules and I’ll LOVE you, don’t follow my rules and I won’t LOVE you.”
This is how this world’s set up and it conditions us […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?