We “try hard” to be a “perfect human” have the perfect body, looks and expression so we can be accepted by others and fit into what society says is “normal”
We “try hard” to have the “perfect relationship” so we can feel the LOVE we never got from our parents or caretakers.
We “try […]
Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey? Are you someone who’s read all the self help books, gone years to talk therapy but nothing seems to be changing?
If this is you, I get it, that was me too and I started […]
Do you ever wonder what creates anxiety and why so many people are anxious?
Anxiety doesn’t just come from a thought we’re thinking, it comes from inside our body—from our internal patterning, where unresolved trauma, deep shame, and painful experiences are still “running.”
It’s a “trance” that we fall into when […]
Have you ever decided to try something new like getting into a new relationship or doing something that would help you experience success in your career/mission or offer you more vibrant health and well-being and you were able to follow through for a bit, but then you stopped? Was this self-sabotage? Was it procrastination?
We all have that critical and judgmental voice who tells us that we’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, etc. It criticizes, judges and tells us we don’t do anything right.
It calls us stupid, it compares us to other people, it speaks harshly to us about ourselves and about our bodies. It […]
Have you ever heard the expression “arrested development?”
Have you ever wondered why many of us, during our adolescence start to experience a “major challenge?”
This is when we start smoking, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, experience eating disorders, self harming and/or experiencing things like depression and anxiety.
Why is this? It’s a […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?