We “try hard” to be a “perfect human” have the perfect body, looks and expression so we can be accepted by others and fit into what society says is “normal”
We “try hard” to have the “perfect relationship” so we can feel the LOVE we never got from our parents or caretakers.
We “try […]
Repressed energy will eventually show up in our bodies. If we’re feeling any anger, resentment, unforgiveness, hurt or pain and we don’t deal with it today, down the road, we’ll start to see the effect in our bodies and resistance in our reality.
Our struggles and body syndromes like pain, illness, depression and even addictions […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?