Are you aware of why you say what you say, feel what you feel and do what you do? Most of us aren’t, we’re just going about our day in an automatic, habitual way. Responding and reacting to our situations from what we’ve learned in the past and how we’ve created “safety.” We numb ourselves with food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes etc. or we chase after people believing that they will “soothe us.” There’s so many distractions today, we have the internet, our cell phones, emails, videos, TV. etc. None of these are good or bad, it all depends on how we’re using them.

Most of us don’t feel safe just BEing. Why? Because when we’re quiet and still, we start to feel. Feel what we pushed down long ago and even feel the light of our inner glow. We spend our lives running from ourselves, being busy and destroying our health.

Almost 95% of the clients that come to me are living in some kind of distraction, addiction or fear. They’re trying to keep from feeling their feelings because they don’t feel safe with themselves. They often come to me wanting to “Get rid” of the symptom or issue and at the same time not wanting to. Why is this? There’s a part of them that knows that once they remove the distraction they will experience what they’re running from. By holding a loving space for them, they’re able to let go and allow themselves to feel what’s deep below. Once they do, they begin to see that it’s okay to feel and they also notice how they’re creating their reality. It gives them an opportunity to change their point of view and allow more LOVE to flow through.

Oh my LOVES, the only way out is through, it’s the only way to get to know the real YOU. Our feelings aren’t bad and neither are we and once you clearly see, you’ll know what I’m talking about. The only way to do this is to allow yourself to feel and heal what’s asking to be healed. This means LOVING and embracing every part of you today and being with yourself in loving ways.

Here’s an exercise for you to do if you choose. As you go about your day, notice your actions and re-actions. Notice if you’re distracting yourself and notice how you’re taking care of you and your health. Bring LOVE to any frightened parts of you and if necessary shift your perceptions and point of view.

I know, sounds easy peasy eh? It does get easier the more we allow our feelings to flow freely. It’s only hard if we’re living in fear, take back your power my child my dear. Heal what’s asking to be healed so more LOVE, JOY and ABUNDANCE can be revealed. So your energy can naturally flow from the light of your inner glow. This is the more natural way to BE, are you now ready to set yourself free? Are you now ready to feel into the truth of YOU and let it guide you in what to do? Are you ready to stop running from yourself and take good care of your body and health? There’s nothing wrong with you, never has been and never will be, we’re all learning and growing in this earthly reality.

You have a choice today; you can spend your whole life numbing, running or intellectualizing or you can let down your guard and notice what’s buried in your yard (your subconscious) The things you pushed down long ago when you’re weren’t able to deal with them or didn’t want to embrace, like YOUR POWER. Yes, most people are more frightened of their light then their dark. It’s all good, it’s all Divine, ya don’t need to run from what’s inside of you, instead, learn to LOVE yourself all the way through.

I once had a client say to me “This isn’t working, I’m feeling worse not better.” To this I said, “that’s great, that stuff that’s in ya is now ready to be released, LOVED and healed.” After A few more sessions he began to LOVE himself unconditionally and really set himself free, he’s now thriving instead of just surviving.
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I was in therapy for over 23 years, nothing changed, inside or outside of me, why, because we just worked on the surface level and that’s not where healing and change takes place. I would go to a session then go right back to living the way I was living

It’s not about just working on a conscious level, using logic and reason, ya gotta be willing to feel and go to the root cause of the issue in order for things to shift and for you to truly BE free.

If you’ve experienced a trauma, or many little ones like me, that energy gets stored somewhere in our bodies and until we release it, our energy can’t flow naturally. And if we don’t deal with it, soon enough it becomes a symptom like an illness, depression, addictions or some type of body ailment. Why? Because we’re not meant to carry that pain around, it wants to BE released so it’s getting our attention so we CAN be free. Most often when we experience a trauma or situations that we don’t know how to deal with at the time, it gets pushed down and that pushed down energy becomes blockages in our energy flow and from those blockages we perceive and believe, it’s as if that part of us hasn’t yet “grown up”

I had a guy the other day ask me what I do, I told him and he told me that he’s been in therapy for over 20 years and he still feels the same. After talking to him for a bit he told me he doesn’t want to look at his past, that he feels bad about what he did at age 7. I asked him if he’s forgiven himself and he said he couldn’t. Well, until he allows himself to feel those feelings and bring compassion and LOVE to that part of him, another part of him will create all kinds of ways to protect him from feeling that pain. This person smokes and I sense his anger when I’m around him. There’s a wall of protection keeping him locked in misery and pain even though he tries to avoid it on a surface level.

So, what is resistance really? It’s a part of us that protects us. What is it protecting us from? Ourselves, the energy that’s stuck somewhere inside and until we let it flow we will live in protection, anxiousness and fear. What doss that mean? Subconsciously we’re on high alert to protect ourselves from bringing up those feelings and we’ll do anything to avoid feeling them like drinking alcohol, eating, smoking, being busy or we chase after people, places and things to make us feel better. We’re perceiving ourselves and life from that frozen part of us, it’s an energy inside that perhaps carries guilt, shame, anger, fear, hurt or resentment. Whatever it is, it’s blocking the flow from feeling the light of our inner glow and truly having what we want in this earthly show.

Healing isn’t for the faint heart, it does take courage to go inside and feel what ya need to feel in order to truly heal. Once ya do, so much more LOVE, abundance and joy flows through. Whenever you’re “triggered” it’s activating something inside where you and your true self collide. It’s showing you a false perception you concluded about you, it’s giving you an option to loosen the glue. To bring compassion and LOVE to the parts that are hurting inside so you CAN BE free on this earthly ride.

If you’re someone who’s resonating with this, I get it, I’ve been there, I know the pain and the struggle and I also know what it’s like to BE free and living from the light of my inner BEing. Whatever happened it’s not your fault, there’s a great learning in everything we go through. If you would like support in getting FREE and loving yourself unconditionally, I would be delighted to work with you.

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