We “try hard” to be a “perfect human” have the perfect body, looks and expression so we can be accepted by others and fit into what society says is “normal”

We “try hard” to have the “perfect relationship” so we can feel the LOVE we never got from our parents or caretakers.

We “try hard” to “succeed” so others will think that we’re amazing and we feed our egos expectations of who we “should be” in order to look good to others.

Maybe all this trying is what makes us sad, depressed and anxious. Maybe it’s time to look beyond the appearances and get in touch with our souls LOVEing essence.

Everything I mentioned can be a beautiful experience when it comes from our truth rather than trying to prove.

What if we let go of being so hard on ourselves and we embraced our god given wealth.
The wealth of peace, LOVE, joy and happiness.
The wealth of our creative expressiveness.
The wealth of seeing the beauty in everyone and everything.
The wealth that makes us dance and sing.
The wealth of being alive,
And embracing all of our experiences on this earthly ride.

Who you are naturally is truly amazing,
You my LOVES are a beautiful, valuable and lovable being.

I invite you to get to know yourself,
To get to know your god given wealth.
To see yourself through your heart,
Instead of tearing yourself apart.

You’re worth being cared for and appreciated,
You’re worth being LOVED and adored.

It’s not what you have or what you do,
You are amazing because you are you.
There is no one else who expresses in your ways,
Maybe it’s time to celebrate.
Celebrate your uniqueness and all you are,
You my LOVES are a super STAR.

With each and every moment you can BEcome free,
By bringing LOVE to the parts of you that are hurting.
By calling back your power that you gave to others,
By giving yourself a great big hug.

By embracing the parts of you that have been shamed and criticized
By seeing yourself through compassionate, loving eyes.
By offering yourself some grace,
For what you’ve experience in this earthly play.

My wish for you is that you make peace with yourself,
That you resolve the hurt, the pain, the guilt.
That you feel at ease,
So you can embrace the gift of this life journey.
So you can let yourself be,
And allow yourself to flow with your natural energy.

Healing isn’t about forcing yourself into ways that you think you need to be, healing happens with compassion and LOVEing.

Healing is reconnecting with your deepest truth, allowing yourself to embrace all of you.

Healing happens when we resolve the inner disturbance, shift the deeper meanings and conceptions that were created by hurtful and traumatic experiences and offer ourselves the love, care and attention we’ve always wanted.

We can learn how to do this with another person, so please don’t feel it’s up to you to love yourself. It’s in the presence of those who love and care for and about us that we learn how to and that we start to feel worthy of giving it to ourselves.

One day, one breath at a time,
You my LOVES are a beautiful expression of the divine.
Allow this truth to sink into every cell and fiber of your being,
Allow yourself to bask in your true energy.

I invite you to offer yourself the kindness and empathy you so graciously give to others and love and embrace yourself and your inner child.

Sending you lots of LOVE today and always my beautiful and amazing soul family 💖

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