Holy Cacao Moment
Do you ever have one of those “Holy Cacao” moments where everything seems to start making sense to you for your personal learning and growth opportunity here on earth? Well I want to share with you what I’m learning, acknowledging and appreciating about this life experience. We’re all beautiful expressions of the Divine, the ONE LOVE and there are infinite learning and growth opportunities for each of our soul’s theme. There are infinite ways of viewing situations and life experiences. There are infinite perspectives and points of views and all of them are valid. Life wants to express through each and every one of us in our unique way. We’re not meant to follow someone else’s path, we can be inspired by them and cheer them on, what’s most important is that the path we walk is the path for us.
There are many distractions in the human experience by wanting fame, fortune, approval and LOVE and seeking this can hinder us from fully expressing, why, because if we look to that in order to give us permission to express our creativity and if we don’t get it, we often suppress what wants to be expressed through us. This is what causes suffering/depression, lack of enthusiasm for life, which can lead to illness, addictions, etc. I won’t say that I understand this fully, there are many creative artists who are sharing their natural talents and are also experiencing much fame, fortune and recognition, perhaps they might be seeking that, however, I also see them as following a passion that’s deep within, a part of their soul’s theme to be shining in a bigger way, but that doesn’t make them any better then anyone else. I know many very creative people who touch my heart everyday through music, writings, art, dance etc. who aren’t necessarily in the lime light but they are happy and fulfilled because they are living their passions. This to me is what makes life worth living.
We often look to masters, teachers and healers for the answers and if we aren’t able to do what they say, we think that we’re wrong or bad or there must be something wrong with us. There’s nothing wrong with you or me, we’re made perfectly and we’re exactly where we need to be on this journey. Always trust and listen to your heart. What works for one, might not work for another. You know deep inside what is right for you. As you begin to trust that still small voice, you’ll be amazed at the profound wisdom and loving guidance that lives inside of you.
The positive symbols you project onto others (teachers, idols, healers, etc.) is the same energy that you have inside of you, you wouldn’t notice it if you didn’t have it. You might not express that quality in the same way, and to that I say GREAT, you’re here to express it in your unique way. Instead of putting them on a pedestal, embrace that quality that you’re recognizing in another, it’s activating a part of you that you’re now ready to experience.
So often we get caught in good/bad, right/wrong, we think that if something goes our way it’s good and even deeper, we’re good, and if something doesn’t go our way, we think it’s bad or we’re bad. This is a worldly view, you’re inherently good, not because of what you do, but because of who you are. How do you really know what is “right or wrong” can you really see the bigger picture. The judgment against ourselves is what causes suffering, your goodness and worthiness doesn’t come from what you do and what you’re learning in this earth school. It’s not set up for you to beat yourself up over the situations you’re growing through. No one is better or worse, it doesn’t matter what you have in the worldly sense or even if you don’t think you’re evolving, you are, you’re learning through every experience, there is so much more going on then what we’re seeing. Every experience that we have is a valuable experience for our souls growth and evolvement.
We’re here to express our divinity by allowing life to dance through us in a way that has never been done before. Are you now ready to embrace your unique expression and allow life to dance and express through you in the most magical and unique ways?
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You are a beautiful soul,
I see your light, your inner glow.
Keep on shining as only you can do,
And embrace the LOVE that lives in you.
When you do, you will see,
What it’s like to be happy and free.
Living each day in peace and LOVE,
Just like the Angels in heaven above.
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?