Healing From The Inside Out
Why is healing so challenging for many of us. What’s happening is we’re bringing to the surface the “stuff” we didn’t know how to deal with when we were younger or perhaps something we brought with us into this lifetime. We didn’t deal with it at the time because we didn’t have the tools or we were in fear of standing up for ourselves. There’s many reasons why we pocketed away painful experiences and those painful experiences are still within us until we go into them and shift that energy with a new perception, however sometimes just letting that energy finally flow is enough. If what we resist persists, then even on an unconscious level, the resistance to feeling that energy we pushed down will continue to arise in our lives until it’s allowed to flow. Many of our challenges stem from an issue that we had when we were younger and is filtering how we feel and see the world today. Say for instance you have an issue in relationships, you’ve done everything to “fix” it using your conscious thinking mind and changing the outer. This might have worked for awhile and then you find the same issue coming up again. That’s what I’m talking about, our core wounds are really controlling our lives and will continue to arise until they’re healed and integrated. How do we discover them without “looking for them?” That’s a great question, anytime you’re triggered, you have a symptom, addiction or illness often it’s showing you something inside of you that you haven’t yet dealt with. Most often we project our “anger” onto the other person or situation that triggered us and “caused” us to feel a certain way. But what’s really happening is these people or situations are our angels helping us release that energy and heal so we can be free. Are ya getting me here? Taking personal responsibility “respond-ability” the ability to respond and not react will happen more easily once we’re aware of what’s really going on inside and we heal at that deeper level.
At the beginning of a healing journey it’s not easy, once you’re willing to finally feel the feelings that you’ve suppressed for so many years it can feel quite scary as you’re re-living something that for whatever reason you didn’t want to feel at the time. If you really want to be free, this is a necessary part of your evolution. Think of it like this, you’re planting a flower garden in soil that hasn’t yet been churned or weeded. Your flowers aren’t growing because there’s so many weeds and old soil that is damaging your crop. So one day you decide to churn the soil, (go within) pull out the weeds (shift your beliefs and perceptions) plant new seeds (create a new belief and perception with a powerful feeling) water it daily (feel your new belief) LOVE what you’re creating (LOVE yourself) and soon you’ll have a beautiful flower garden. This garden is now blooming inside of you and will soon be reflected in the outer, get it? I know, urgghhhh right, well, there’s no way around it. Most often we would rather “feel good” all the time. But once you start to embrace every feeling that arises without labeling them good or bad, it gets easier to move along the journey. No feeling is good or bad, our feelings are natural, they flow from inside and are our guides in this lifetime. It’s only the judgments and resistance to our feelings that create havoc in our lives. If ya really wanna BE free, let your feelings flow naturally. Do the inner work today and soon you’ll be living in a whole new way. The way that’s more natural for you, remember to LOVE yourself all the way through.
You can do this, I believe in you and I LOVE YOU
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Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?