Eating Disorders; What’s behind the food?
Have you ever been on a diet? Most of you probably said you have. Why is it that some people develop eating disorders and others don’t? When someone talks about an eating disorder they are usually referring to Anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating or some combination of the three. What most people don’t understand is that an eating disorder is more then a fad or a diet, it is a behavior that saturates all parts of the person’s life, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Focusing on food, weight, calories and exercise becomes a way to cope with feelings, emotions and circumstances, however it doesn’t start out that way. When a person first engages in eating disorder behaviors they usually do it to lose weight (not eating) or to give themselves pleasure (overeating), after awhile they become hooked and they’re no longer in control, the mind takes over, the behavior becomes automatic, making it even more difficult to stop and the person is on a path of self destruction.
No one who decides to control their weight by using eating disorder behaviors thinks they’ll end up in an out of control cycle. In fact, eating disorders start out by being in control; in control of ones food, weight, size and image. The eating disorder is a manifestation, an outer symptom that something isn’t right internally.
A diet turns into an eating disorder when the person’s attitude about food and weight has gone awry and their experience of emotional well-being is determined by what has or has not been eaten, the size of their body or by the number on the scale. As the eating disorder progresses the person stats to think more and more about food and weight and they frequently structure their day around when they’ll eat, how they can avoid eating or when they can exercise or purge.
Generally people with eating disorders are uncomfortable with their feelings and will do anything to numb out or disassociate. If someone grew up believing that they needed LOVE and approval from others in order to be okay and were often told that their feelings were invalid or wrong, they might have mis-interpreted that they were bad or wrong, which can be the cause of self destructive behaviors. Most often the person isn’t aware of this, they are just living in a way in which they’ve found comfort and safety.
People with eating disorders usually aren’t aware of the harm they’re doing to themselves, they believe they deserve to suffer and it seems normal to act in this way.They aren’t crazy, irrational or stupid. They are hurting, they are living in fear, they don’t feel safe with themselves or others, they don’t value themselves or their life experience. They have difficulty expressing what they want and need and often avoid issues in life that are too frightening to face. They turn to food for a sense of comfort, safety and control. They are often consumed with negative thoughts and feelings and can be sensitive and easily hurt. They feel lost, alone and confused and feels that no one understands.Ultimately the person with the eating disorder has to want to change, they can receive support and guidance, but ultimately it’s up to them.
There’s so much more going on then what we can see and the reasons why someone engages in eating disorder behaviors. Each person is unique in their experiences and must be treated in that way. What works for one might not work for another. It’s important to go beneath the symptom to see the beliefs and perceptions they have about themselves and the world. Healing takes place beyond the food and issues around it, those are just the symptoms stemming from core beliefs, most of which are unconscious. Self LOVE is really the key, bringing LOVE and compassion to the parts inside that are hurting, allowing a loving integration to take place.
If you’re struggling I encourage you to be gentle with yourself, trust your process and do your best to LOVE yourself unconditionally.
Suggestions for Healing
*First and foremost know that you’ve done nothing wrong. Be gentle and loving with yourself and treat yourself as if you were the most important person in the world because YOU are. Recovery is a process. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall back, just get right back up from where you are and LOVE yourself.
*Embrace all of your experiences because they serve a positive purpose. See what you can learn from them. Notice the strengths that come, you might want to see them from a higher perspective.
*Forgive yourself for any judgments you made about yourself or others and bring compassion and LOVE to the parts inside that are hurting.
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*Surround yourself with people who support and LOVE you unconditionally, those who LOVE you and allow you to have your own experiences without trying to change them.
*Allow yourself to experience all your feelings and emotions without analyzing or judging yourself for having them. Your feelings are a valuable tool in getting to know yourself better. When you feel bad you’re thinking is out of alignment with who you truly are. When you’re feeling good, you are in tune, your thinking is in alignment with the truth of you. Often times a feeling just wants to be felt, they are coming to the surface to give you another opportunity to LOVE everything that arises.
*Become a compassionate observer of your thoughts, words and actions. Say “Isn’t that interesting when I do___ I ___” or “Isn’t that interesting when I feel____ I ____” Awareness is the first step, then you can see if you want to correct.
*Play around with words and notice how you feel in your body. If our thoughts create our reality and our feelings in our body, when you change your thoughts you start to feel differently.
*Find someone you feel safe with and practice speaking your truth. The more you do it the easier it will become and you won’t have to suppress what you want to express.
*Talk to the eating disorder. Ask it why it’s in your life, it’s serving a purpose or you wouldn’t keep it. Find out what needs are being met and create healthier ways of getting those needs met.
*When feeling upset, overwhelmed or anxious take out a piece of paper and write. It doesn’t have to make sense, just allow the energy to move your pen. When you’re done you can rip it up right away or if you’re feeling calm enough you can read what you wrote, notice the judgments, see if you can see the situation in a new light, forgive yourself and bring LOVE to the parts inside that were hurting.
*Spend time in silence and meditation. Quieting your thoughts will open you to your inner wisdom. There is a wise loving presence inside of you who has all the answers to your life and LOVES you unconditionally.
*Every day do something new, even if it’s getting out of bed on a different side. Once your subconscious becomes familiar with change it will be open to more.
*Every morning make a list of 5 or more things that you’re grateful for, this will help you start your day in a positive way.
*Imagine what your life will be like when you’re free from eating disorder behaviors. What are you doing, how are you feeling, what is your relationship with yourself like, who are you now?
*Find a picture or pictures of yourself at a younger age and place it where you can see it daily to remind yourself that there’s a little child in you that wants and needs your unconditional LOVE, compassion and understanding,they want to know that they matter.
Again, this is a process, be gentle and loving with yourself and do your best to make conscious choices. You are a precious soul, take some time to get to know beautiful YOU. YOU are already perfect, YOU have all the qualities to be YOU. No one can do what you can do. YOU are one of a kind, A treasure in the universes mind. YOU are worthy and deserving of living a healthy and prosperous life. YOU are more then just a body, your thoughts or feelings, there is a sweet and tender spirit inside of you that is beautiful, happy and loving and wants to shine, will you let it?
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?