Do you have a hard time asking for help or things that you want? I sure did because of the energy that was running my consciousness. When I was a child, whenever I asked for something I was told that I asked for too much and it seemed to make my parents mad at me. I didn’t understand what I was doing “wrong” I just had needs and desires and was expressing them. Eventually I stopped asking for anything and it went even deeper, I became anorexic and started depriving myself of any pleasure or needs.

This left me feeling anxious all the time because as humans we have needs like, food, shelter, water, connections with others, LOVE etc. Soon enough anytime I had a need, desire or wanted to connect with another person, I would exercise or try to do something to distract myself so I wouldn’t feel what I was feeling.

If how we do anything is how we do everything, guess what the driver of my life was, yep, you guessed it, “It’s not okay for me to have or ask for anything.” This was the surface issue, it went even deeper into the ideas that I didn’t deserve to live, that I was unlovable and I didn’t matter. Oh, it didn’t stop here, it went even deeper forming a core belief that said “I’m unworthy” I just gave a few examples of the layers we build around a core belief that holds it in place. There are more, however, I think you get the gist eh?

Now, you might be wondering, “Hey, if ya found the core belief, wouldn’t just shifting it be enough?” To this I say, it can, however, it depends on how many layers are holding it in place and how much you believe it’s serving you. Even though my parents haven’t been in the physical world for awhile, that belief had become so engrained in my psyche that shifting it has been a process for me. Everyone has their process, I’ve seen some of my clients lives change with just the awareness and for some it took a bit longer.

Most often we’re not aware of why we do what we do, we’re just acting, re-acting and responding from our programming and conditioned responses. Even if we make conscious choices, if we don’t have beliefs to back it up, it takes a lot of effort or it doesn’t happen at all. Why is this, well, our subconscious mind holds more power then our conscious mind. If what we want isn’t happening, then this is a clue that there’s some kind of inner conflict going on or it’s coming from our ego’s desires rather then our souls desires. This inner conflict is showing us aspects of ourselves that’s asking to be acknowledged, healed, LOVED and integrated. Once we’re integrated, we can feel our truth and our energy flows more naturally because now what we’re saying (consciously) and what we’re meaning/believing (subconsciously) are in alignment.

The very first step in this process is to accept and LOVE the part of us that “feels unworthy.” This helps us to come to a place of peace inside. Once we’re more relaxed, we can notice what’s really going on and how our belief(s) are playing out in our lives. Not only how they play out, but we can start to shift them whenever they arise. This is what I mean when I say “It’s a process.” Otherwise, most of us are just allowing our conditioned responses to take over and making the energy that’s present from the past even more engrained.

Let me explain it in another way, how we act and re-act today is mostly unconscious, these are automatic responses from what we’ve already learned or from what we believe at our core. Our core beliefs are what’s filtering and creating our life experiences today and might be pushing away the things we “say” that we want, get it?

So, let’s say that you’ve done the inner work, you’ve shifted your core belief from “I’m unworthy” to “I’m worthy.” That’s the first step, the next step is finding evidence of why this is true and reframing our past situations. Then we can bring a new understanding to the little one inside who felt unworthy and shift that energy by showering them with compassion and LOVE, which allows a loving integration to take place. Next we can imagine scenarios where “I’m worthy” plays out in our lives to help us embody this new understanding. As we meditate on this feeling of “I’m worthy” daily when we’re in a higher frequency, we’re continuing to shift that old energy of “i’m unworthy” into the new energy of “I’m worthy” and eventually this will be our new automatic response and the driver of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Be aware that you’re going to have opportunities arise in your life to offer you a way to play out your new belief. It might come in the form of a challenge, actually, it often does, and sometimes it comes in the form of a crises. Breathe, that’s right, breathe, you’re going to be okay. Everything we experience in our lives is serving us in one way or another.

First, let’s look at crises. A crises is an opportunity designed to shatter patterns of rigid behaviors that don’t just fall away by logically deciding for them to, we need something to shake us up. Have you ever heard someone say that they needed to hit rock bottom to change? Or, because they lost everything they actually found themselves.

Here’s my personal experience: In 2007 my mom left the physical plane, by her leaving I was pretty much forced to take care of myself. I began reading more on spirituality and something inside of me was starting to wake up. I knew I had some kind of purpose but I really didn’t really know what it was, plus, I was at war inside, I hated myself, I hated life and I was acting out in self abusive ways. My purpose first was to learn how to LOVE myself and make peace inside.
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In 2009 I went to a Spiritual Psychology program and started doing the inner work. Everyday I prayed this prayer “Father, mother God I’m ready to live, help me to experience life as you would experience it, I’m open for your presence in my life, I’m willing to awaken to my true nature.” Then in 2012 I was in a major car accident and totaled my car. I was waiting tables at the time and seeing a few clients here and there. I had to take a leave of absence from my waitressing job to heal and when I tried to go back my boss wouldn’t re-hire me. I applied at other restaurants and no one was hiring me. This didn’t make sense to me, I had 10 years of experience, what the F…? I took this time as an “opportunity” to now BE with myself without distractions, go deeper in my healing and connect with the LOVE and truth inside of me.

In 2014 I started focusing more on my vision and building my healing business even though there was still some resistance. It was something new, I didn’t know if I could do it “right.” I didn’t know if I was “qualified.” I didn’t feel I could help others as I didn’t “have it all together” etc. Ya know, all those things that come up when we do something we’ve never done before and we project our fears and limiting beliefs onto. Ya, I was seeing clients here and there but not consistently.

By continuing to do the inner work, things started shifting inside. The LOVE in me kept expanding more and more, I started feeling safe in my body because I was feeling safe with me by loving myself unconditionally. As I continued to shift the energy inside, It became easier for me to express authentically and listen to and follow the guidance of my inner BEing. I was waking up to the real ME. My creativity and wisdom started flowing more easily and naturally and all kinds of new ideas started pouring through me. I started painting on shirts, making cards, making inspirational videos, writing books, blogs, songs, posting on Facebook, seeing clients and so much more. Today I’m awake, I’m alive, I feel expansive, happy and free, I LOVE myself, I LOVE life and I’m living in alignment with who I was created to BE by letting my energy flow naturally.

What this crises did for me was it guided me back to ME and by doing the inner work I’ve been able to set mySelf free. I now realize that my purpose was in me all along, it just took clearing away the conditioning that wasn’t serving me and moving into the light of inner BEing.

“My purpose isn’t really about what I do per sey, it’s who I’m BEing each and every day.”

So, now let’s talk about challenges. What’s a challenge? Challenges are part of the journey, everything is serving our souls growth and evolution. They’re helping us get to know ourselves better, learn, grow, expand and discover more of our infinite potential. Think of it this way; Have you ever experienced a challenge? I know a ridiculous question right? How did you feel after you did something that was challenging? Did you learn something new? Did it help you clarify what you truly want? Did it take you out of your “comfort zone” and now you feel like you can do anything? Did you see that it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be? Did it help you discover something new about yourself that you wouldn’t have discovered had you not gone through the challenge? Did it show you a belief that was asking to be shifted and healed so you can BE more free? Did it help you make a decision that you couldn’t do for yourself? Did you notice that even though it was challenging, you’re okay? These are just a few questions to ponder, go ahead and let your mind wonder.

The more we see what we can learn, LOVE and heal within ourselves and practice the new energy when the challenge arises, then our challenges become blessings and the new energy becomes our more natural way of BEing.

I understand, you like to experience blessings more then challenges, I know, I do too, well I do now, I didn’t in the past because I didn’t feel worthy and I didn’t LOVE myself. As I started to LOVE myself I started to feel more worthy, As I began to feel worthy, I realized that I didn’t need to fix, change or do anything at all, I felt LOVE and peace inside and I was just happy BEing ME, and what I wanted to change happened more easily and naturally. As I started to feel more worthy, I started to feel more confident in myself and in asking for help from others and what I wanted. As I felt more worthy, I started to buy myself nice clothes and allowed myself to experience other pleasures and my needs. As I felt more worthy I felt a deeper LOVE for myself, everyone and everything. As I felt more worthy, I felt invincible, I felt like I could BE, do and have anything and I felt fearless. As I felt more worthy, it was easy for me to receive without guilt or fear. As I felt more worthy my connection with my inner BEing became one big LOVE affair. As I felt more worthy, I became happier, I started having more fun, going out with friends and I’m now ready to BE in an intimate relationship with another soul. As I felt more worthy, I started enjoying taking care of my body and health. I can share more, however, I think you get the gist of how a core belief can really effect many, if not all areas of our lives.

The truth is that we’re worthy beyond measure, we’re a gift a golden treasure. Once we really feel this inside, life becomes a glorious ride.

You can do this, i believe in you and I LOVE YOU

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