Is it easy for you to share openly about yourself, your life, what’s working for you or what you’re learning or experiencing on your journey, especially if it might NOT be the same as the way others are thinking, believing or living?
It takes courage to share, most people don’t, they just sit back […]
Have you become accustomed to a certain way of BEing and you stay there even if it’s causing ya misery? Perhaps you’re caught in depression or fear or addictions to food, drugs or alcohol and this is how you identify yourself.
Hold on my LOVES, you’re okay, you’ve come to find safety in […]
Do you have re-curring issues; like every time you get in a relationship the same stuff happens? Or whenever you’re around a lot of people, you feel bad or uncomfortable? Or you find yourself feeling sad or depressed at a certain time of year. Or you start a project, go for your dreams and […]
Have you ever been hurt by someone or have you ever hurt someone intentionally or not intentionally? What’s really going on here, can people really “hurt us?” To this I say; not if we don’t have hurt inside us already, same is true when we “hurt” another, we can’t “hurt” them if they don’t […]
If you grew up in a family who believed in you, supported your dreams, lifted your spirits, your confidence and your self esteem, consider yourself a lucky ducky, it’s probably easy for you to believe in yourself today and do what makes you happy.
However, if you’re like me, you grew up in a […]
I’m always amazed at the look at my client’s or friend’s faces when they ask me what they should do and I reply with “What do you want to do or what do you think or what would you suggest I do if I were in your shoes?” I had one client get mad […]
Have you ever had the thought “I just wish I could be more intuitive?” Many people ask me “How do I know if it’s my intuition speaking to me or how can I be more intuitive?”
We question whether it’s our intuition or not because we’ve trained ourselves out of listening to it. As […]
Why is the idea of feeling pain so hard for many people? I think it’s harder and takes more energy to protect ourselves then to allow ourselves to feel it. Many of us use drugs, drink alcohol, get into relationships so we don’t have to feel alone, smoke, over eat try to accumulate stuff […]
There’s so much more going on then what we’re seeing, this is true with manifesting our dreams as well as what needs healing. When we’re triggered by a situation, most often we think it’s because of the situation at hand, however, what’s really going on is we’ve been triggered to notice a deeper wound, […]
What would it BE like for you to follow through with what you say you’re gonna do? How often do ya promise yourself that you’re going to take better care of you and your health? Or, you say that you’re going to start doing…… or stop doing…… tomorrow and when ya get to tomorrow […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?