Have you ever heard the expression “No pain, no gain?” That infers that we need to experience or create pain in order for us to learn and grow and since we’re here to learn and grow, then if we’re believing that, guess what we’re creating in our reality?
Are ya aware that we learn and […]
Many of us will go our whole lives never knowing who we are inside, we work at jobs we don’t like and we’re living in struggle and strife. We go about our day in an automatic habitual way, doing the same things day by day. We’re covered with doubt, fear and conditioning, instead of doing […]
What if we let go of what we were taught to believe and we followed our heart and what it wants to achieve. Why would this be so valuable to do? Many times we have ideas in the way, given to us by others in this earthly play and these ideas might be blocking the […]
Through my own healing and working with many clients over the years I’ve come to understand human behavior and what goes on inside. This isn’t something I read in a book, although many books teach this, it’s something I’ve learned through my personal experiences and with assisting others on their journey.
When a client comes […]
YAY!!!!!! Let’s only think “good” thoughts today. Are you kidding me? That’s a fear based teaching that promotes spiritual bypassing. Not only that, if we’re feeling sad, angry, depressed etc. and we just think a better thought, or we get busy to NOT feel our feelings, that’s not self LOVE, that’s self denial.
Those […]
Have you ever said “I know that the things I’m doing and the ways that I’m feeling about myself and life isn’t who I know mySELF to be?” Hey, you’re probably right. In order to get to know ourSELVES, we need to look at our conditioning and see if it resonates with our inner BEing, […]
Have you ever wondered why it’s easy to LOVE certain people and more challenging to LOVE others? Is it really about them? I would question that one? Why? We project what we have inside. When we say I LOVE YOU to someone, it’s not about them, most often it’s because they’re following “our” rules about […]
If you’re struggling with an addiction, depression, illness or having a challenging time creating the life that you desire, know that it’s not your fault, you’ve done nothing wrong and there isn’t anything wrong with you.
Many times we’ve unconsciously picked up ideas and created behaviors and symptoms that were beyond our conscious control. Our […]
Have you ever wondered why you remember certain experiences? We’ve all had billions of experiences throughout our lives and yet, there are some experiences that have left a BIG impact on us. Most often those are the experiences that have shaped how we view ourselves and our lives.
Many times if we’ve had a traumatic […]
Challenges are GREAT, we’re healing the inner debate, so CELEBRATE! Ya might be thinking “what the F……. is this girl talking about? I don’t like challenges they suck.” Ya, I understand, i’ve felt that way too, because when we’re going though it, it might not feel good, however, they’re helping us heal, they’re helping us […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?