There’s a sweet and precious little child in you and me, that wants to BE accepted and LOVED unconditionally. It’s in those times when we’re feeling hurt or sad, angry or mad that our little child is saying “I want and need your loving.”
If we push aside how we’re feeling, then our inner child […]
Have you ever been in LOVE? I know it’s such a GREAT feeling eh? We feel like we’re on top of the world, we feel like we CAN do anything, we feel invincible, unstoppable, everything seems possible.
There’s orgasmic energy running through our bodies, even if we’re not having sex with our “hottie.” What’s […]
What is fear? What is anxiety? They’re automatic responses coming from subconscious programming. Our bodies are having a re-action to an internal dissatisfaction.
Most often we’re not in control of what our bodies do, our heart races and/or our bodies shake; we’re having an internal debate.
What does that mean? What’s happening internally is we’re […]
Do you keep going back to what’s “familiar” to you, the ways you think, feel and what you do? Ya know, those ways of being, that keeps you attached to your “identity?”
If this is you, I get it, I did that too, know there’s nothing wrong with you. What happens to most of […]
When things don’t seem to be working for you like they used to, something has shifted in you, you’re ready for something new. Don’t fight it or judge yourself, this is actually a good thing, something magical is happening.
You’ve expanded internally and now it’s time to experience that expansion in your reality.
So […]
Are you someone who keeps doing the same things over and over again expecting different results. Urrghhhh, this can be frustrating eh? I get it, I’ve been there, I thought “Life just isn’t fair.” I was watching all my friends BE happy and FREE and I was stuck in pain and misery.
Until one day […]
If you have a vision, that vision was planted in you by the divinity, it’s yours to bring to this earthly reality. Water it, nurture it, pull out the weeds, ya know, those limiting beliefs.
That vision isn’t just for the world, it’s for you too, it’s to get to know more of amazing YOU. […]
Sometimes the hardest things we need to do are the BEST for me and you. For instance; when I was married, it was the most healthy decision for me to ask her to separate, but I had inner conflict. I LOVED her but I knew deep inside, it wasn’t what was best for me and […]
Do you ever second guess yourself and what you came here to do? If this is you, I get it, I’ve been there too. Why do we do this, when each of us have our own divine purpose?
We came here to shine in our unique way, and bring forth something new to this […]
Perhaps we’re making things harder than they need to be. Why do we do this? Our conditioning. We’re trained out of our natural way of BEing and we follow what others are doing, so we can fit in and be accepted by our family, friends and society.
By doing so, we’re trying to be someone […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?