Have you ever heard the expression “arrested development?”
Have you ever wondered why many of us, during our adolescence start to experience a “major challenge?”
This is when we start smoking, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, experience eating disorders, self harming and/or experiencing things like depression and anxiety.
Why is this? It’s a […]
I’m finally beginning to understand more and more about why people are afraid to feel and/or express their “negative” or even sad or angry feelings, it’s because they don’t feel safe and/or social consequences are “at stake.”
If we’ve had traumatic experiences along the way, then those traumatic experiences are most likely “attached” to our […]
Anxiety is a response that comes from our nervous system; telling ourselves to just calm down just makes it worse and judgment often occurs.
Sure, we can do deep breathing to help our bodies come back into harmony, but until we understand what’s creating the anxiety and bring compassion, LOVE and a new understanding […]
Some of us grew up in families where our feelings and what we were experiencing were denied or pushed aside, what some people “gaslighting.”
What is that? When someone, often our caregivers/parents, sows seeds of doubt in our minds that make us question our own sense of personal truth and reality. They did a good […]
Emotional regulation is the ability to “manage/respond to” our emotions rather than our emotions “managing” us.
What does that mean? Human beings are stimulus response machines, something happens and we re-act/respond according to our “conditioned feelings” that relates to the situation that’s happening.
We don’t do this consciously, it’s an automatic mechanism stemming from […]
There’s a lot of talk around healing trauma lately, why? Because it’s probably the most important part of the journey. We’re not free until we heal the inner debris.
Many of us are at war inside and we don’t know why. The was is because of the trauma hurt and pain we’re carrying that we […]
I remember when I first became consciously aware of my body, I didn’t like it, I projected all of my negative feelings onto it and slowly destroyed it bit by bit.
I constantly ate as a child and I was teased for being fat and ugly. Then at age 15 I became anorexic and starved […]
Why are we so afraid to feel “unpleasant” feelings today. We wouldn’t if we weren’t told that they were bad or wrong or that we were bad or wrong for having them.
It’s all energy, we say what things mean and what we say things mean, determines how we’ll experience our life journey. Did ya […]
Our heartfelt dreams and goals are supposed to seem impossible, they’re helping us heal, learn and grow, we wouldn’t have the dream if it wasn’t right for our earthly show.
The key is to NOT give up so early if something “wrong” happens on our journey. We often try to control through planning, strategizing and […]
Healing is NOT a one size fits all and neither is answering our divine call. The symptom(s) may be the same, but what’s going on in the inner plane is different for everybody.
That’s why a book to cure…….. may or may not work. There’s a part os us that’s creating the symptoms we’re having, […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?