How do we lose touch with our center? We become identified with the outside world, we start to believe that what we have or do and our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are who we are. We get lost in the world of identity, illusion and confusion and we fall into the trap of the […]
Have you ever heard the expression “What we’re looking at we’re looking from or looking through?” There’s a a lot of truth to this. We see the world as we are, not as it is. Well, we describe what we see by what we believe and this is how we create our reality, get […]
Have you ever gotten an idea, a vision, a feeling inside that said “YES, this is for me?” And soon enough you changed your mind because you started filtering it with ideas like, “I can’t, it’s too hard, no one will like me if I do it or no one will like what I […]
Have you ever tried to “program” your mind to create a certain image of you? This technique is used by many and one that I learned at hypnosis school. But what does it mean to “Program” your mind? Are you trying to BE something else then who you are, building a “superficial self” according […]
Have you ever experienced a challenge with a friend, a family member or a lover and you talked about it after and you both had two different views? Why is this? Well, we don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are; what we believe about ourselves and the […]
If you have a dream, it’s MEANT for you. Dontcha give up when it gets hard and bury your dreams in the yard. You’re gonna have challenges, you’re gonna F…… up and you’re gonna wanna give up. You’ve been given a dream for a reason, so you can learn, grow, expand, heal, become a […]
There’s so much more going on then what we’re seeing and there’s more of us then who we perceive ourselves to BE. Us humans get so damn impatient, we want what we want when we want ti. I get it, I catch myself falling into this trap too and when I do I remind […]
I once had a client say to me “This isn’t working, I’m feeling worse not better.” To this I said, “that’s great, that stuff that’s in ya is now ready to be released, LOVED and healed.” After A few more sessions he began to LOVE himself unconditionally and really set himself free and now […]
Have you ever said that you’ll do something and then you didn’t follow through? For instance you might have said “Tomorrow I’ll start my diet, exercise more, stop smoking, stop drinking, stop over-eating, call that person I want to connect with etc. Why didn’t you follow through? What came up for you? Was it […]
Have you ever had a feeling that was urgghhhhh, soooooo fricken intense or not so intense but uncomfortable? To name a few feelings are anxiety, depression, anger, sadness, ya know all those feelings we “LOVE to feel.”
The pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars each year on anti-depressants, pain killers, etc. because many […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?