Have you ever worried about something and it didn’t happen? Have you ever worried about something and it did happen? Are we really creating our reality by what we’re thinking? How do you know that what you’re focusing on “manifesting” wouldn’t happen anyway whether you focused on it or not? Do you believe that […]
Have you ever kept doing the same thing even though you know it isn’t serving you to do so? Perhaps you’re caught in an addiction to food, drugs, alcohol or smoking. Or perhaps you’ve broken up with your lover and you keep going back to them because it’s familiar or you don’t want to […]
With all the money programs, Law of Attraction, get rich schemes, why the F…… isn’t everybody a millionaire? Have you ever thought about that? Here’s the deal, ya gotta work from within, in your consciousness.
Do you think millionaires sit around all day daydreaming about cars, houses, money and other things? Do you think […]
Have you ever put someone on a pedestal, you envied them for what they have or do? Perhaps it’s someone who has fortune or fame, or maybe it’s a spiritual teacher or a friend who’s living the life that you desire. If this is you, you might enjoy what I have to share.
Sometimes a clear understanding from the giver becomes a misunderstanding from the receiver. What do I mean by this you might be asking? Well, say you ask someone to go out to dinner and they said that they were busy and you got upset. Why did you get upset, they’re just busy right? Here’s […]
Have you ever read something and said “Wow, that was so amazing.” And then the next thought that came up was “I wish I could write like that.” And then ya starting feeling bad because you got caught in the comparison trap, thinking they’re “better” then you or that you’re not good enough and […]
What’s the difference between helping and enabling? Have you ever helped someone through a challenging time in their life? I have and I’ve had many people help me and it’s such a great feeling to know that someone cares. Sometimes though, we do more harm then good if we’re always doing for them instead of […]
Have you ever got really EXCITED about an idea, an inspiration, a dream/vision, having a new relationship, taking a new class or program or something you wanted to create and then you talked yourself out of it? Your mind started making up stories based on fears, past experiences, thinking what you’ll lose instead of what […]
Have you ever said this statement “This is why…….. happened” How do you really know? Us humans are funny, we like to put meaning on “why” things happen so we can feel like we’re in control. We have this underlying desire to be right. We want to understand, and wanting to understand is great, […]
Whenever I share my story about my journey with anorexia to nurses and groups the question I always get is “Isn’t it about control?” I think that’s such a great question and my response is “Aren’t we all trying to control our lives?” We try to hold things together, we think that we know […]
Awakening To Unconditional Love:
Transformational Healing
Poetic Healing
_____________________________________Debra’s Blog
- How to Connect With Your Truth
- How to Experience True Healing
- Waking up to your authentic expression, a poem written through me
- How To Heal From People Pleasing
- Is the pain of the past keeping you from living freely, loving openly and enjoying your life journey?
- Do You Struggle With An Eating Disorder(s)?