Ascension symptoms? Could be, it’s still a message from our inner BEing, are ya listening? Something in us is asking for a healing. It’s being pushed to the surface so we can see, what we’ve suppressed that’s now ready to BE LOVED and set free.

Many of our past traumas, hurts and pains are stored in our nervous system, we can try to numb or think away our pain, but the pain still remains until we go into that energy with LOVE and understanding, shift that perception and point of view, this is how we free ourSELVES from the emotional glue.

Saying we know what to do and actually doing it are two different things, when we’re truly healed from the pain inside, we’ll feel more relaxed as we move along this earthly ride. We no longer re-act in a triggering way because we don’t have the triggers from our hurts and pains, get it?

Hey, are we gonna BE totally free, maybe, but for most of us it’s an ongoing process as we move along this journey.

I once heard an expression that said “Act like you know what you know.” Pretty powerful words eh? If we acted in our truth, all of us would BE more loving, happy, creative and free and we would express easily from our natural state of BEing. However, many of us have hurts and pains in the way, covering our truth inside, it’s a layer or many layers of blocked energy that’s keeping us from feeling the light of our inner BEing.

In order to BE truly free, we gotta go deep and this isn’t an easy thing. Many people would rather stay on the surface level and that’s okay if that’s where they’re at today. In my experience that just kept me in fight/flight and living in misery. I was an emotional basket case, and I was filled with self hate. Yes, even those times “I thought” I was loving me, I really wasn’t, I was letting fear control me.

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Urggghhhh and YAY eh? This journey can BE fun and we CAN BE free to live from our truth inside and really enjoy this earthly ride. How? By be willing to go into the hurt and pain with LOVE and shift the beliefs that aren’t true so more LOVE and light can flow through, by doing this it free’s us from our habitual cocoon.

What do I mean by this? Our habitual cocoon is how we’ve trained ourselves to BE, it’s how we think, feel and see. This is mostly automatic, we do this without knowing why, the why coming from how we’ve been conditioned inside and the hurts and pains we try to hide.

I’ve gone through this and this is what I do, I assist others in releasing the emotional glue so they CAN BE FREE to really enjoy this magical journey. We’re energy BEings, what we do or have on the outer doesn’t change the inner, we’re not truly free until LOVE is flowing freely throughout our body.

Am I saying this is the “right” way, nope, I’m just sharing information with you, it’s your life, you get to choose how you want to BE, my wish for you though is that you have inner peace and you come to know, experience and LOVE the beautiful AMAZING, lovable BEing you are and you’re free from your emotional scars.

Loving you beautiful souls

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