How do we lose touch with our center? We become identified with the outside world, we start to believe that what we have or do and our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are who we are. We get lost in the world of identity, illusion and confusion and we fall into the trap of the hypnosis of the world. We no longer think for ourSELVES, instead we’re living each day as who we were programmed to BE, the things we learned or inferred from our parents and society. This is often covering our truth and we’re upset with ourselves because we’re not living in integrity. The older we get the more thicker the conditioning gets and we become stimulus/response machines, just going about the day in an automatic/habitual way, living from as a program instead of from our Divine SELF.

Deep inside is our essence, it doesn’t have any worldly preference. It just observes what’s happening, what we’re experiencing. This is the part of us that’s FREE and LOVES unconditionally. When someone says “I AM LOVE” this is true, this essence resides at the core of me and you. Most of us are blocked from feeling it though, we have all these concepts, beliefs, hurts, pains, wounds, fears and ideas we picked up along the way about who we are and how we should act and be in order to be LOVED and accepted by others in this earthly reality.

To get to know our deepest truth, we gotta clear a way by healing the pain, the hurt, the shame, the guilt, the fear, perhaps we need to shed many tears. If this is you, that’s okay, let yourself cry, scream or shout, go ahead and let that energy out. Don’t be afraid of feeling it, be more afraid of keeping it inside. The idea that you can’t express it, doesn’t make it go away, soon enough you’ll be triggered to activate it because we’re not meant to carry that energy with us. If we don’t heal/transform what’s being shown to us and instead we run or push it down, we’re just creating more blockages in our flow. This is how we create illness, depression, addictions, body symptoms, etc. That energy wants and needs to be released, forgive to set yourself free. Bring LOVE to the parts that are hurting inside, set yourSELF free on this errantly ride.

This is the process of awakening and aligning with our heart and soul and feeling the radiance of our inner glow. It’s the way we’ll truly BE free so we CAN enjoy this magical life journey.

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So, what do yu say, are ya ready to let your feelings flow naturally today? Are you ready to clear a way for you to feel, what is true and what is real? Are you ready to feel more peaceful inside and make YOU be the place where you now confide?

Why would ya wanna do this today? You might be saying “I like feeling good, why would I want to feel bad? It’s better to think good thoughts then to let that energy come up and out.” To this I say, if it comes up, it’s in you anyway. Avoiding it and pushing it down only hurts you, is this what you want to do? It’s not that you go “looking” for things to heal, you’ll be shown them when you’re ready, in the mean time, enjoy the journey. Celebrate life and what’s happening today, celebrate what’s happening in your earthly play. Allow things to unfold naturally and let your inspiration guide you on this journey. FEEL into what I’m conveying instead of trying to figure out what I’m saying.

There’s a power, a presence, a LOVE in you are ya gonna give it a chance to shine through? It’s really up to you, you’re in charge of how you perceive and feel and you know what’s asking to BE healed. You know what you need to face today, but there might be fear in the way. I get it, I’ve been there too, but the only way out is really through.

You can do this my LOVES, you’ve come this far, there’s no turning back, oh and by the way, let go of the facts. What you experienced up till now doesn’t define you unless you let it to. YOU are powerful beyond measure, you’re a gift a golden treasure. See yourSELF in the light of TRUTH today, and let this LIGHT lead your way.

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