Hello Beautiful Souls, Welcome to Living in the Loving

Congratulations on taking your first step in loving, valuing and appreciating the beautiful divine BEing you are. I’m excited for you and with you. Something magical is happening inside of you, this energy brought you to my website.

If you’re now ready to make your life a whole lot easier by learning how to LOVE and accept yourself unconditionally, heal the pain and suffering that stems from past unresolved traumas, hurts and wounds then you’ve come to the right place.

My name is Debra and I do Spiritual Healing and Transformational Coaching. I help beautiful souls like you create, cultivate and experience a more loving and harmonious relationship with yourself, others and the world around you.

I know, sounds easy peasy eh? For some it might be, however, if you’re like me, or should I say, how I used to be, you may feel stuck in some way, but you don’t have to stay where you are today, you can now experience life in a WHOLE new way.

How? I will assist you in noticing what’s going on deep inside, so you can see how you’re creating your life. Many of us aren’t aware of why we do what we do, think the ways we think and feel the ways we feel, we’re just responding and acting in automatic ways, letting our subconscious make our choices today.

We want to experience inner peace, we want to change, but something inside us keeps bringing us back to the “same ol ways.” This is because of unresolved issues, which is most often stemming from our childhood experiences where our mind/body got stuck in perspective, we’re running on outdated neuro programming; the meanings that we gave to past situations became habits of thoughts, feelings and actions, these meanings became our internal energy patterning and filter our perceptions and dictate how we see and feel about ourselves, others and the world around us.

Think about it, how can we really enjoy our lives if we’re at war with ourselves?
How are we supposed to feel LOVED, if we aren’t loving ourselves?
How are we supposed to heal, if we aren’t allowing ourselves to feel?
How can we get to know our deepest truth, live our purpose, our passion, experience our heartfelt desires, listen to our inner wisdom and genuinely express who we are if we’re feeling anxious or afraid, abandoning ourselves or numbing, denying or suppressing our feelings with food, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol etc.?
Healing from an addiction

I imagine you’re here because you have heartfelt goals and dreams or you want to BE free from an addiction, past traumas, hurts and wounds, Depression, an Eating Disorder(s), anxiety, or symptoms in the body and/or you want to feel at ease, LOVE and accept yourself unconditionally, experience heart centered relationships with other beautiful beings but it just doesn’t seem to be happening. I get it, I’ve been there too, I understand what you’re going through.

Know that it’s not your fault, you’ve done nothing wrong and there isn’t anything wrong with you. Our symptoms/struggles and fears are messengers/teachers, helping us see, that something isn’t right internally that’s asking for compassion, LOVE, understanding, acceptance and healing.

I’ve created a process called Rapid Transformational Healing which helps you understand what’s going on internally that’s creating your reality and what’s creating the symptoms you may be having. It’s here that you also connect with your inner wisdom, your authentic expression and your souls LOVEing essence.

By doing the inner healing you’ll start moving from self abandoning into self LOVEing, from coping and survival strategies into healthy ways of meeting your needs.

You’ll start to trust the timing of your life by making peace with who you are and where you are today, while learning how to be with yourself in more compassionate and LOVEing ways.

What are the benefits of Living In The Loving?
We become more conscious and aware of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors, we make more self honoring and self loving choices.

We move from self abandoning and the pain and struggle of just trying to get through the day, to living in a more open, free, loving and trusting way.

We stop trying so hard, we allow ourselves to BE, we experience a greater sense of ease, LOVE, joy and harmony.

By doing inner child healing, the past will no longer be dictating our reality, instead, we’ll make choices from our souls LOVEing energy.

We do have challenges, however, we see them as gifts, helping us to heal, learn, grow and expand our point of view of who we are and what we can experience and do.

By creating a more loving and harmonious relationship with ourselves, we’re able to experience this with others and the world around us.

We see ourselves and the world through loving eyes, instead of through the wounds, judgment and criticism we were carrying inside.

Our inspiration and creativity naturally flows from our heart and soul.

Our addictions to food, drugs, cigarettes or alcohol falls away, because we no longer need it cope and to numb the pain.

We’re no longer tired or fatigued, because our energy is flowing naturally.

We find purpose and meaning by discovering/uncovering and sharing our gifts, talents and abilities.

We feel more awake, more alive, more expansive, happy and free because we’re living in alignment with the TRUTH at the core of our BEing.

Debra Mittler

Why me? Why am I qualified to assist you? For over 23 years I was in and out of numerous hospitals and treatment centers, hating myself, hating life, struggling with anxiety, depression and my sexual orientation. I also struggled with anorexia and other eating disorders, having suicide attempts, taking pills and cutting myself. After having no success in changing and everyone giving up on me, I finally took my healing into my own hands and found myself on a spiritual journey.

Today I’m happy, healthy and free, I LOVE myself unconditionally and I enjoy sharing with others like you what has helped me. I’ve walked through my shadows, now I’m walking in the light of LOVE and I feel at peace in my body glove.
Feel free to read more at my Meet Me Page

If I can do this, you can too. So instead of giving up and thinking it’s too hard and burying what you want to experience in the yard. Give in and say out loud “It’s time for me to win. I’m ready to LOVE myself unconditionally, BE happy and free and experience my heartfelt dreams. I’m ready to BE at peace inside and really enjoy this earthly ride. I’m ready to BE the best me that I can BE, create a life that I want to see and feels really good to me.”

Please don’t get to the end of your life and say “I wish I could have given myself a chance to see what could BE, experience my authenticity, experience what feeling LOVED truly means, instead of experiencing the same ol things.”

If we wait for the “perfect” time or until we heal ALL of our emotional wounds, we’ll never start. Healing happens along the way, it’s not about putting our dreams on hold, it’s about following our heart and soul and saying YES to ourselves in a whole new way, where we’re valuing ourselves and the gift of life in this earthly play.

I invite you to join me in Living in the Loving, it’s truly a magical place to BE. I see YOU, I believe in YOU, I’m here for YOU, you don’t have to do this alone. You can do this, YOU are powerful beyond measure, you’re a gift a golden treasure.

I get it, I’ve been there, I’m still learning and growing. I’m no better than you, through my experiences I’ve gained much wisdom, knowledge, compassion, understanding and LOVE and now I get to assist beautiful souls like you in having the most AMAZING LOVE affair with life and with beautiful YOU. YOU ARE WORTH IT!

To find out more about how I can support you in Living in the Loving, feel free to go to my services page. My Services

You’re more than just a body, there’s a beautiful, creative, loving and free spirit inside of YOU that wants to shine, are you now ready to let it?

You Are Loved


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